Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Happily ever after

What have we learned from fairy tales, disney movies and cartoons?

To trust strangers (Timone and Pumba)
Fall in love at first sight
Put love above all else
Sing about how you feel
Want what you can't have
Live with 7 strange men
All dogs go to heaven
Don't sit on walls because you will break and no one will be able to fix you
Don't cry wolf
Honey is the yummiest of all yummies
Surround yourself with people that are as weird as you are
Make friends with animals, they can talk
Enemies can become best friends
Take risks
The Lady will fall in love with the Tramp
All the woman are perfect looking
A spoon full os sugar makes the medicine go down
Believing your dream is a reality

to be continued..


  1. but don't you want to believe these could all be true in some wonderful world?

  2. i do believe they are true.
